Arat RA Reiki

The Ancient Art of Mind-Body-Soul Healing

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Arat RA kemetic reiki


Arat RA Kemetic Reiki is an ancient healing modality that can be traced back to Ancient Kemet (Nubian Egypt).  Arat RA Kemetic Reiki utilizes the life-force energy to help restore energy balance and natural order to the astral body which includes the 7 primary energy centers and the aura (personal energy force field).  It is understood within the practice that energy balancing and healing can bring about physical, mental and spiritual healing.   Kemetic Reiki healing is sustained when the individual learns how to correct the internal programming that led to the imbalances in the first place.  Therefore, Arat RA Kemetic Reiki enjoins energy healing with the necessary wisdom teachings and instructions needed to bring about sustained mental and emotional healing.  When the person who receives the healing utilizes both the mystical and practical aspects of the healing system, he or she develops the ability to take ownership over his or her own ongoing healing process.  This process helps to resolve the complexes that obstruct the true essence of the soul (sustained love, joy & peace) from manifesting.  Resolving the complexes and removing the obstructions gives rise to the manifestation of one’s Highest-Self.

Healing Sessions

Discover which energy centers have obstructions and why.  During the healing session all energy blockages and misalignments are addressed.

Spiritual Coaching

Practical long term approach to addressing the root cause of energy blockages and misalignment. Highly recommended component to healing sessions for sustained healing and spiritual transformation.

Arat RA Reiki Certifications

Want to be a certified Kemetic Reiki Self-Healer and or Practitioner?  We offer annual certification classes in Texas.  We also work with facilitators to host classes elsewhere.

Know Thy True-Self Classes

In order to manifest your Highest-Self you must understand how you were molded into the present YOU.  Our classes are designed to help you do both.

Incarnation Objective Readings

Do you know what you incarnated into this lifetime to learn, overcome and manifest?  Your Incarnation Objective reading will tell you just that!  Schedule your reading today.

Facilitate a Class or Healing Meditation

We can customize group healing sessions, meditations, classes and Arat RA Reiki Certifications in your area.  Great for private groups and organizations as well as individual collaborations.  Contact us below for more information if you’re interested in collaborating with us.

Arat RA Reiki is designed to provide a systematic approach to cleansing, healing and activating all 7 primary energy centers.  It is a proven methodology that helps to restore balance within the personality.  When there is balance in the personality, we are able to vibrate on the higher frequencies of divine love, peace and joy.  What else in life is more deserving of a higher pursuit?

Arat RA Reiki is a healing modality in which the positive healing energy is transferred through the hands of the Practitioner.  The more virtuous the Practitioner, the more powerful the transference of healing energy. This practice was captured in the temple wall paintings of Ancient Kemet (Ancient Egypt).



“I feel a great sense of relief…indescribable…better than a climax…it’s that intense. I’m going to take this energy that I feel right now and move forward.”

Healing Session Client

“No English words can describe…chaos has dissolved.” “I feel elevated…I feel empowered.”

Healing Session Client

“For 5 years I experienced daily light to heavy vaginal bleeding. The doctor wanted to put me on birth-control. After my first session with Aset, the next morning the bleeding was faint. Fast forward from September 2019 to February 2020, I have regular monthly cycles!”

Healing Session Client

"By far the best holistic experience I ever had. I actually felt my frequency shift."

Healing Session Client

" I give Thanks to Ra, The Creator and Sustainer of Life and a big Dua to you ! Thank you for All that you do. "

Healing Session Client – Arat RA Level 1 Practitioner

"I am a participant in the "Healing the Inner Child" workshop series that has been taking place over the past few weeks. Firstly, a big THANK YOU for the sessions, things are beginning to come together for me - in my understanding, processing, and most fundamentally, my healing. (Another huge thank you for the "Maat Philosophy" sessions on YouTube; that is how I came in contact with you and your work. I really enjoyed that series, I like how in-depth you went with the precepts, it allowed for a deepened understanding)."

Healing the Inner Child Workshop Participant

"Sister Aset, there has been so many shifts in just four days you wouldn't believe. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you. Thank you. Much gratitude to your physical and spirit being."

Healing Session Client

"I wanted to let you know that your work is really affective with my husband, he’s made a dreadful change in everything!!! Seriously Just about every aspect of his being. It took a few rough days to suppress his Ego, but I must commend him and You…you were the vessel by which he was able to pause… then continue with renewed understanding. Also honoring The Creator by which you’re connected to and governed by : Dua Dua Dua "

Healing Session & Spiritual Coaching Client

Featured Collaborators

Practitioner’s Page Access

All Arat RA Reiki Level 2 and above Practitioners will need a password to access the Practitioner’s page to download Practitioner materials.  You can request access using the form below.

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