Spiritual Healing Retreats

make time for mind-body-soul self-care

our Spiritual retreats

Arat RA Reiki Spiritual Retreats are Designed to Promote a Lasting Mind-Body-Soul Healing Experience.  Each Spiritual Retreat Focuses on a Particular Healing Theme that is  Centered  Around Asar (The Divine Self) Elevation. 

Expect to Experience…

Healing Environment

Taking time away from the hustle & bustle of everyday life is important for mind-body-soul health.  Our retreats help to realign you with the Divine manifesting as Nature.

Healing Rituals

Healing rituals help to release toxic energy build up from our daily non-spiritual rituals; such as as watching television, working, taking care of mundane needs, etc. 

Healing Wisdom

Kemetic Wisdom Teachings help to clear our minds of the toxic programming that we use to run our mundane lives. Allowing us access to higher vibrational thoughts.

Healing Food

Food of Asar (Divine Self) is prepared and served consisting of mostly live plant based food for both optimal cell and energy/soul nourishment.

Healing Energy

Each retreat includes energy healing modalities such as Kemetic Reiki, Sound Healing, Smai Tawi (yoga) and Arat Sekhem (Qi Gong). 

Healing Meditations

Experience guided meditation as a gateway to the microcosmic expression of the Creator in you and the macrocosmic expression of the ALL.


Pre-Winter Solstice Healing Retreat Hempstead, TX

Dec 15-18, 2023

The Ancient Kemetic Sages taught that we are to pull back the veil of ignorance that obstruct us from manifesting our Divine expression of Divine will, love, purpose and power (Asar).  Use this spiritually heightened time of year to pull back another layer of that veil as you move further into Divine alignment.

Why is the winter solstice a spiritually heightened time of year?  How can it be used to help us elevate mentally, physically and spiritually?

The theme of this healing retreat is Who Am I Really? The focus will be on getting to know more about the Set (Ego) and Heru (Soul) aspect of your Being from an Ancient African Egyptian (Kemetic) wisdom teaching perspective. Prepare to roll up your sleeves and dig deep as you dive into your unconscious mind and root (Sefket) energy center in order to get a deeper understanding of who you are in the present and who you are truly meant to be. 

You are guaranteed to leave spiritually lighter than you came.  


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